The xaxis! and yaxis! functions are just convenience functions around the Axis type, so that end-users don’t need to reference ec.yAxis or ec.xAxis directly (though, nothing prevents users modifying the EChart chart instance).

Method Signatures



Optional Keywords

formatter::Union{String, JSFunction, Void} #alias to axisLabel.formatter
show::Union{Bool, Void} = nothing
gridIndex::Union{Int,Void} = 0
position::Union{String,Void} = nothing
offset::Union{Int,Void} = nothing
_type::Union{String,Void} = nothing
name::Union{String,Void} = nothing
nameLocation::Union{String,Void} = "middle"
nameTextStyle::Union{TextStyle,Void} = nothing
nameGap::Union{Int,Void} = 30
nameRotate::Union{Int,Void} = nothing
inverse::Union{Bool,Void} = false
boundaryGap::Union{AbstractVector,Bool,Void} = nothing
min::Union{Int,String,Void} = nothing
max::Union{Int,String,Void} = nothing
scale::Union{Bool,Void} = false
splitNumber::Union{Int,Void} = 5
minInterval::Union{Int,Void} = 0
interval::Union{Int,Void} = nothing
logBase::Union{Int, Void} = nothing
silent::Union{Bool,Void} = true
triggerEvent::Union{Bool,Void} = false
axisLine::Union{AxisLine,Void} = nothing
axisTick::Union{AxisTick,Void} = nothing
axisLabel::Union{AxisLabel,Void} = AxisLabel()
splitLine::Union{SplitLine,Void} = nothing
splitArea::Union{SplitArea,Void} = nothing
data::Union{AbstractVector,Void} = nothing
axisPointer::Union{AxisPointer, Void} = nothing
zlevel::Union{Int,Void} = 0
z::Union{Int,Void} = 0


Log Scale: Y-Axis

using ECharts
x = 1:10
y = [2^x for x in x]
l = line(x, y)
yaxis!(l, _type = "log", scale = true)

Format axis tick labels

using ECharts
x = 1:10
y = [2^x for x in x]
l = line(x, y)
yaxis!(l, _type = "log", scale = true, formatter = "{value} kg")