xgridlines! and ygridlines! are convenience functions around the splitLine property of xAxis/yAxis. This function assumes you are setting the properties on the first instance of an axis (the most common case).

Method Signatures


Optional Arguments

show::Bool = true
interval::Union{Int, String, JSFunction, Void} = "auto"
color::Union{AbstractVector,String,Void} = nothing
width::Union{Int,Void} = nothing
_type::Union{String,Void} = nothing
shadowBlur::Union{Int,Void} = nothing
shadowColor::Union{String,Void} = nothing
shadowOffsetX::Union{Int,Void} = nothing
shadowOffsetY::Union{Int,Void} = nothing
opacity::Union{Int,Void} = nothing
curveness::Union{AbstractFloat,Void} = nothing


Hide gridlines - Y axis

using ECharts
x = ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]
y = [11, 11, 15, 13, 12, 13, 10]
l = line(x, y)
ygridlines!(l, show = false)